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Best Interactive Infographics

Louise Jones

If you create or provide eLearning courses or workplace training, or you create any type of content marketing, you need to know how to use infographics. Infographics are simply a form of data organization that contains visual elements and text. These days, with an enormous amount of visual content being created, shared and consumed every day, you should be looking to create interactive rather than static infographics.

In this blog we provide the best interactive infographic examples that we have seen created in ThingLink and even some infographic templates which you can edit and adapt depending on your own content strategy

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Infographics in eLearning and workplace training

Infographics are, in short, the ideal method of data visualization using visual communication. They can be used for:

  • Showing the structure or operation algorithm of a complex mechanism.
  • Demonstrations of a business project.
  • Displaying the ratio of objects or facts in time and space. demonstrations of development trends.
  • To focus and motivate people to study a specific topic.
  • Infographic helps to demonstrate the relationship between parts and different objects.
  • Showing the structure of the company.
  • Infographics allows you to establish a hierarchy of subordination amongst complex information.

This graph is used for internal communications to provide an overview of the product updates.

Infographics in Сlassroom learning

Recently, infographics have found application in education. The visualization of complex educational information, the ability to present information clearly, informatively, aesthetically attractive, is becoming a requirement of the modern educational process.

Information visualization for schoolchildren and students is one of the most important components in modern education. As we wrote at the beginning of the article, people perceive visually about 90% of all information.

The huge flow of information that falls on the student leads to perception problems. All this leads to the need to create conditions for a more complete and comfortable perception of new knowledge.

Infographics in this case are ideally suited to make information easier and more accessible. In addition, students will be able to better remember dates, events, interconnections and facts. Interactive content in the classroom instantly engages students and keeps their attention. in addition, the interactive elements aid in active learning, which is well documented as a means to aid in knowledge retention.

The image shows different stages of carbon cycle, while the hotspots provide additional information for each stage.

The introduction of infographics in the educational process brings:

  • For teacher — the presentation of material in a new, interesting, informative form.
  • For student — there is interest in a new form of learning material, the most understandable and easily digestible material, involvement in the learning process and the development of the creative component.

Infographics in classroom learning help increase the efficiency of perception of information. Infographics in the educational process makes it possible to organize interesting work in the classroom, as well as to increase the level of training of specialists not only at schools, but also at the universities.

Types of Infographics in Marketing and Editorial

Infographics are a great tool for marketing to customers, employees, and investors. With the help of infographics, you can convey any business information to the desired audience. In this case, infographics plays the role of advertising, ensuring the availability of information.

At the same time infographics begin to turn into a PR tool: companies increasingly began to apply and send out not just press releases, but fully-fledged infographics to journalists.

Infographics can be considered another marketing technique in the submission of information in order to attract customers and in the promotion of products. Animated infographics could be used, but animations can often create a distraction. An interactive infographic on the other hand, allows your customer or audience to choose the specific product, service or feature that most interests them.

This infographic shows different data for the player – while also prompting the viewer to buy a shirt.

What can you use infographics for?

  • Preparation of materials for the press. The key purpose of the press release is to attract the attention of journalists who receive large amounts of such messages. Having equipped printed or electronic materials with infographics, they can be presented in the form of accessible and understandable analytics or visual stories highlighting your key points.
  • Development of commercial offers. During the presentations, the speakers’ time is limited, and much needs to be said to potential investors, partners or clients. For the transmission of basic information in a concise, presentable and easy-to-read form, infographics are used.
  • Advertising and marketing strategy. Of course, marketing technology and infographics are closely related. When only 20-30 seconds of air is allocated for a commercial, and you need to show and say the maximum, the most advanced methods are used. Infographics in an accessible, understandable and eye-catching form allows you to talk about all the advantages of the advertised product.
  • Interaction with customers and target audience. Suppose a sales specialist needs to tell a potential customer about the types of services, the advantages of offers, compare this data with information from competitors, etc. Infographics provide an opportunity to illustrate all the points, make them simple and understandable even to an uninformed audience. This works equally well either in person at a trade show, or on a landing page.
  • Creating presentations. Today more and more business presentations, business projects are done in this format. Text presentations or presentations in pictures and photographs, as was done before, are outdated. And infographic became more and more popular.

For more infographic design inspiration, join one of our groups or communities on social media like Facebook Education group or the ThingLink LinkedIn Community.

There are also two other blogs in this interactive infographics series. How to Create Interactive Infographics looks at how to use the super easy Canva graphic design platform to create your own. And for a basic introduction, Interactive infographics covers the theory behind them and where they can be used.

Want to read more about creating different types of interactive content? Try our blog on interactive maps!

Join our thriving communities on social media such as the Facebook ThingLink Education Group and the LinkedIn Community

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If you’d like to start creating your own interactive content, sign up for a free ThingLink trial today!

This blog is based on the article Infographics: What are they and how to use them at work and in everyday life by Alexey Solomatin, Head of Product at ThingLink

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