Five Great Examples of Scenario-based Learning
Impactful uses of Scenario Based Learning experiences for your learners Here are five great examples of where SBL would work really well – use this to give...
Learn how ThingLink is being used across healthcare settings such as hospitals, care homes, first response, dentistry, nursing and medical schools and the wellbeing industry. Includes innovative training examples using scenarios, escape rooms and virtual environments.
Impactful uses of Scenario Based Learning experiences for your learners Here are five great examples of where SBL would work really well – use this to give...
It’s now even easier to create slick and professional-looking interactive content with another of ThingLink’s handy new content tools. The Grid Feature allows...
At Samiedu Vocational College in Finland, teachers and employers jointly created highly effective training programs with ThingLink which have increased students’...
Ammattiopisto Samiedun eWorking-hankkeessa opettajat ja työnantajat luovat yhdessä koulutusmateriaalia, josta hyötyvät sekä opiskelijat että uudet työntekijät....
In Finland, eight vocational educational institutions collaborated to create a diverse online learning environment – the HyGGe school – where users ...
HyGGe-hankkeessa hyvinvointiteknologia halutaan tuoda tutuksi hyvinvointialan opiskelijoille ja ammattilaisille tarinoiden avulla. Aidontuntuiset caset auttavat...
Elevate your in-store trainings and improve customer service by incorporating immersive learning scenarios with ThingLink. Creating and developing effective learning...
As technology continues to advance, virtual reality, augmented reality and 3D models are becoming much more commonplace across all industries, particularly healthcare. ...
The medical school at the University of Central Lancashire uses real-life escape rooms to recreate typical time-critical emergencies for students. They used ThingLink...
Kirjastojen kesälukukampanja tarjoaa uusia ideoita kesälomalle lapsille ja nuorille. Kampanjassa on luotu lapsille lukuseikkailu Lumotun puiston salaisuus, jonka...
Kotihoidon työntekijät tarvitsevat monenlaisia digitaitoja työssään ja heillä on keskeinen rooli asiakkaan motivoimisessa digitaalisten palvelujen käyttöön. Kiireisen...
Poikkeusoloissa fyysisiä kouluvierailuja ei voi järjestää. Ammattiopisto Samiedussa vierailut kouluun ja virkistyskäynnit Savonlinnaan tehdään virtuaalisesti...