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Screenshot of the ThingLink editor



ThingLink Immersive Reader
Options for Line focus of the ThingLink Immersive Reader
Options for Text size of the ThingLink Immersive Reader
Options for Syllables of the ThingLink Immersive Reader


ThingLink提供一種創建視聽學習資料的簡單方法,這些資料可透過一款集成閱讀工具訪問。圖像或影片熱點的所有文字描述均可透過沉浸式閱讀器閱讀 – 用60多種語言。

ThingLink提供一種創建視聽學習資料的簡單方法,這些資料可透過一款集成閱讀工具訪問。圖像或影片熱點的所有文字描述均可透過沉浸式閱讀器閱讀 – 用60多種語言。

Easily document learning on mobile and desktop

ThingLink helps students become fluent in using multiple forms of media to express themselves inside and outside the classroom. Our iOS and Android mobile apps allow you to access the ThingLink browser editor experience and all of your content on the go. Ideal for schools that primarily use tablets and for creating interactive projects outside the classroom.

Group of children is learning




Grace Ko, a Ph.D. student at the University of Texas used ThingLink 360 images to bring pre-service teachers into special education classrooms. “We reviewed several tools and chose ThingLink because the interface is simple, modern and easy to use, and the editor support embed links.”

Lorrie Salome from Austin ISD creates a virtual classroom lesson organized via this interactive image for students and parents to engage and explore during Covid-19 school closures.

Jamie Larsen from TERC developed STEMlandia for getting students outside and engaged to study science in their local neighborhood. “This is a STEMlandia XR story done by students from four countries during GLOBE Learning Expedition.”

Punkaharju School engaged their students to study archeology and prehistoric times. “ThingLink gave us a great platform to document all the different tasks and activities.”

Jari Simonaho turned a local museum into a virtual learning environment for schools. “A virtual history tour is like a book you can walk into.”


ThingLink支援如下安全用戶驗證方法:Microsoft和Google登錄、Clever、Azure Tenant ID及其它採用SAML和LTI的單點登錄選項。

與 Microsoft Office 365 深度整合

在 Microsoft Teams 內完全支援圖片、影片和 360 媒體內容的創建。交互內容支援 OneNote 和 Teams 分享

ThingLink Certified Creator Course

ThingLink Certified Creator Course has been designed for all content creators in digital learning and communication. This free course gives essential skills to educators, eLearning specialists, digital training professionals and anyone interested in creating engaging interactive experiences that stand out.

Plans for Schools and Academic Institutions

ThingLink – easily create accessible, engaging, interactive and impactful learning experiences.

60-Day Free Trial

Explore the potential of creating interactive and immersive learning experiences with our 60-Day Free Trial!

ThingLink Unlimited Bundles!

Unlock unmatched value with a fixed rate for unlimited users at your school, college or university, with complete access to our entire eLearning product suite.

Contact us

Teacher License

Ideal for individual teachers creating and sharing interactive images, videos & 360°/VR images for use within the LMS or classroom environments.

Price per teacher $60 /year



  • Unlimited image, video & 360°/VR image uploads
  • Full publishing options enabled
  • 10,000 embedded content views
  • Content engagement statistics
  • Custom web accessibility player
  • ThingLink Certified Creator Course
  • Unsplash library of 2M+ Images
  • No student seats

Academic License

Ideal for colleges & universities looking to capture individual learner assessment data in the LMS through ThingLink scenario-based learning experiences. Live admin and staff onboarding.

Price per seat $9 /year

Minimum order 300 seats
Seats = teachers + students

Includes all School license feature, plus:

  • Scenario builder: branching, question building
  • Capture assessment data in LMS
  • Unlimited 360°/VR video & 3D object uploads
  • Automatic content translation
  • Organization landing page
  • Admin onboarding session
  • Staff professional development session
  • LTI 1.3 with deep linking integrations
Case study

School District Creates Library of Interactive Resources in ThingLink for schools to share

Case study

ThingLink & Keele University: Evidence of Impact


ThingLink與來自從教師培訓和TVET到數位課程規劃和21世紀技能培養等方面的廣泛的教育專家網絡合作。如果您有意成為ThingLink的研究或代理商合作夥伴,請聯絡我們: education@thinglink.com.


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